Over the next few days, we’ll talk about Glaucoma, which is a very serious, sight threatening condition, without a cure. Glaucoma is a very complicated condition, in which there is damage to the optic nerve, resulting in a progressive and...
Category: Your Vision
Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome Dry eye syndrome is a chronic lack of lubrication on the surface of the eye, resulting in dry and uncomfortable eyes. It may occur at any age, but is more common in older people, menopausal women in...
Glaucoma and headaches
Acute Angle-closure Glaucoma Acute angle closure glaucoma is a rare type of glaucoma that causes a sudden onset of symptoms including headache. Eye pressure rises quickly in acute angle closure glaucoma causing the following: Increased eye redness Eye pain Cloudy...
Headaches and Giant Cell Arteritis
Giant Cell Arteritis Also known as temporal arteritis, is an inflammation of the lining of the arteries that run along the temple. GCA usually creates a headache that causes a constant, throbbing pain in the temples. Vision symptoms often occur...
Headaches and presbyopia
Presbyopia Around the age of 40, people begin to find it difficult to focus on nearby objects. Near point activities, such as reading, are often blurry. This is an unavoidable condition known as presbyopia and affects everyone at some point....
Headaches and farsightedness
Farsightedness Adults and children with uncorrected farsightedness often complain of a frontal headaches or a brow ache. If you are farsighted, you may find it difficult to focus on nearby objects and may feel eye strain, pain around the eyes,...
Eye Strain Simply overusing the focusing muscles of your eyes can cause eye strain which often results in a headache. Our high tech world has improved our lives considerably, but small-screen texting and web browsing often causes strain on our...
There are a variety of eye problems that can cause headaches. In some cases, the headache is caused by the person squinting and overworking the eye muscles in an attempt to better focus their vision. In other cases, problems of...
More Myopia..
Prevention/Cure There is no universally accepted way of preventing myopia, but due to the fact that too much near work can cause near sightedness, it seems to be common sense that reducing near work may help in lowering the risk...
Signs and Symptoms of Myopia Myopia interferes with distance vision, so if you struggle to see things that are far such as information boards on the road, presentations, the registration number of the car in front of you, subtitles on...