Blue Light Lenses plus Frame Combo

Get a pair of Blue light cutting lenses and a frame, for R1600. You can bring your own prescription, or do a test with us. The specs can be used for night driving or computer work, depending on your needs....

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Habits to Adopt for Healthier Eyes

1. Eat Well.  Leafy green vegetables, lean proteins, Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin C have been shown to help prevent eye disease in the long run. 2. Stop Smoking Not only do you increase your chances of developing conditions...

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Astigmatism is a condition where the cornea (transparent layer covering the coloured part of the eye) is oval instead of perfectly round. This irregular curve means that light rays entering your eye focus in two different places on the light-sensitive...

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How often should you have your eyes examined?

Most medical aid schemes will only cover the eye test once every two years. This frequency is okay except in the following cases: Children who wear spectacles Glaucoma suspects Anyone over the age of 40 If you suffer from chronic...

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Computer Related Eyestrain

Most of us spend time in front of a computer, regardless of what profession we’re in. Prolonged computer use can harm your eyes and even lead to poor vision. The most common result of prolonged computer use is Myopia (near...

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Is there such a thing as “too young for spectacles”?

  A child’s visual system develops from birth until about eight years of age. During this time the eyes learn to communicate with the brain. The optic nerves that connect the eyes to the brain gradually mature. This development is...

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Children’s Vision Continued

Often children are misdiagnosed as having attention disorders, when the actual problem is eye related. Issues with eye movements can result in difficulty reading, problems with accommodation (focusing) will manifest as avoidance of reading and poor concentration. Nearsightedness will result...

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